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Sona Chaturvedi
Oct 5, 2022
Midterms Crucial for Global Democracy
Representative forms of government in the Western world are facing their greatest threat since the pre-World War II era.

Sona Chaturvedi
Jul 11, 2022
Social Media is Hijacking Democracy
Once promoted and used as a way to keep in touch with family and friends, it has devolved into rapid exchanges of misinformation.

Sona Chaturvedi
Jun 27, 2022
With Sorrow, We Dissent
A Supreme Court comprised of a handful of fanatics and lunatics has successfully eliminated basic rights and freedoms for millions of women.

Sona Chaturvedi
Feb 6, 2022
American Denial
There is a class of citizens in this country that doesn't understand the danger to our democracy, and they need to wake up.

Sona Chaturvedi
Dec 30, 2021
Truth Decay
We have perfected denial in this country, where reality has been hijacked.

Sona Chaturvedi
Nov 16, 2021
Midnight for American Democracy
It’s important to remember that you can still vote in an autocracy. Your vote just doesn’t count.

Sona Chaturvedi
Oct 17, 2021
Zero Sympathy for the Unvaccinated
We don’t need to feel guilt for those who refuse life-saving measures.

Sona Chaturvedi
Oct 3, 2021
The Hubris of Ignorance
Conservatives can't seem to admit their mistakes, even when it costs them their lives.

Sona Chaturvedi
Sep 12, 2021
Democrats Must Now Focus on 2022
The GOP has reached a point of no return, and they are throwing down the gauntlet.

Sona Chaturvedi
Aug 15, 2021
American Fascism
If we don't fight to save our democracy, 2022 could be America's last free-and-fair election.

Sona Chaturvedi
Aug 1, 2021
A Glimpse of Normal
For a couple months, American society mostly returned to the days before COVID-19, but that doesn't work for everyone.

Sona Chaturvedi
Jul 25, 2021
Bipartisanship is Dead
If there was ever a time in which both sides could come together for the greater good of the country, it no longer exists.

Sona Chaturvedi
Jul 4, 2021
The Employment Myth
Data shows no correlation between those who remain out of work and those whose stimulus payments came close to their salaries.

Sona Chaturvedi
Jun 20, 2021
Race Theory Critical for Truth
Our past has been whitewashed.

Sona Chaturvedi
Jun 13, 2021
This is How it Happens
Republicans are laying the groundwork to return to power by any means necessary.

Sona Chaturvedi
May 31, 2021
Cancel Billionaires
The ultra-rich keep getting richer off the backs of the rest of us.

Sona Chaturvedi
May 24, 2021
The End of Accountability
The Republican Party has dispensed with all pretenses toward ethical behavior, and few among them seem to care.

Sona Chaturvedi
May 10, 2021
The GOP vs. America
The big lie about Trump and the election being stolen is merely a continuation of untruths Republicans have fed us for decades.

Sona Chaturvedi
Apr 19, 2021
Billionaire Philanthropy is a Scam
When the ultra-wealthy give to charitable causes, they usually do so out of their own self-interest.

Sona Chaturvedi
Apr 12, 2021
GOP Tactics Creating National Crisis
There is a chilling rise of fascism in America, and it is receiving the full-throated endorsement of one political party.
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